sleep better with menopause

5 tips to sleep better with menopause

Did you get a fabulous eight hours worth of sleep during menopause that was undisturbed last night and can’t sleep better; in fact if you look back over the last couple of months you honestly get a good night’s sleep every night.

If you’re in the menopause phase of your life sleep might be evading you might fall off really tired ten o’clock and then being wide awake at 2:00 a.m. thinking about all the things that you need to do all the things that you need to get up; and do right away and then of course you drop back off to sleep.

A couple of hours later only to wake up at 6:00 a.m. feeling shattered tired exhausted hungry and craving food is that you. Yes here are my five top tips that can help you get a sleep better during the menopause stage of life.

1) Tips to Sleep Better With Menopause : Eating late at night 


5 tips to sleep better with menopause

Another obvious one but one sometimes it is unavoidable and that’s eating late at night. So if you are eating late at night it takes your body a good two or three hours to digest food; so if you’re eating late and then expecting to go to sleep, you might find again that you drop off quite quickly but wake up an hour or two hours later and again really wide awake; and the body is digesting the food so it’s not able to really relax and detoxify the brain and the body.

So be aware of what you’re eating and be aware of the time that you’re eating and the earlier you can eat is going to again help you get a restful night’s sleep.

2) Tips to Sleep Better With Menopause : Try taking a supplement 

If you’ve addressed your sleep hygiene and you’re sleeping in a bat cave where it’s really dark, maybe you’ve got your earplugs in, maybe you’ve got your gorgeous eye mask on, you’ve calmed down and feel chilled, and it’s still not happening, you might want to consider taking a supplement.

5 tips to sleep better with menopause

Magnesium is a game-changer in terms of health. Magnesium is something I personally suggest. If you go to a nutritionist, they will offer a variety of magnesium supplements that are beneficial to your body’s health. Magnesium is one of these supplements. Maybe an hour or two before going to bed, this will really help your parasympathetic nervous system relax.

Also the reship mushrooms that you can get from amazon a teaspoon of reiship about an hour before you go to bed again can really help with a restful night’s sleep. I’ve noticed big improvements with my own sleep when I’ve used those

3) Tips to Sleep Better With Menopause : Winding down before you go to sleep 

Hence winding down before you go to sleep so rather than reading your Kindle or scrolling through your iPhone, right until the last; second that you put it down put the lights off and then it’s attempt to go to sleep; try to get into your daily routine night.

5 tips to sleep better with menopause

So you do have a hot bath you change into some nice relaxing clothes or pajamas; your room is nice and clean and warm and you’re not doing anything that’s stimulating; you’re not watching anything that stimulated it’s very calm; it’s very relaxed just like you would put a toddler to bed you wouldn’t just put a tumbler to bed after they’ve been watching something on TV after they had been you know not winding down you before you go to bed.

And blue light is a huge one if you are looking at a screen before you go to sleep the blue light is going into the eyes, and it’s going into the brain, and it’s going to keep the brain active, and so the brain never shuts down and never detoxifies; so again screen time at least try for a good hour to not look at any phones or any screens feel better now before you go to bed and if you can take that phone out of the room.

So if you do wake up in the middle of the night you do have a hot sweat you’re not tempted to look at your phone and then start scrolling because; once you do that well there’s no way that you’re going to get to sleep get back to sleep after that; so calm everything down relax phone out of the room maybe you have an our alarm clock an old-school alarm clock that can wake you up the next day but not mobile beside you in the bed.

In fact no electrical items that are on standby in your room you know so when you have the TV on make sure that you switch; it off there’s also evidence to show to switch off your Wi-Fi; if you’ve got Wi-Fi upstairs in your house that could also be disturbing your sleep you know really keep the electrical devices switch off before your bed time.

RELATED TOPICS: How to lose weight while sleeping 2021

4) Tips to Sleep Better With Menopause : Stress 

Stress it’s a good friend cortisol the fat storing hormone, their stress hormone. Have you got things on your mind that are waking you up are you overthinking things, worrying about things, becoming anxious about things, constantly going over and over and over again; different scenarios thinking about things, that maybe haven’t even happened yet thinking about things that happened way back five before 10 to 15 years.

5 tips to sleep better with menopause

If you’re thinking about every possible conclusion of a problem or issue, one easy approach to do so is to download your brain and delete everything. Put down everything that’s on your mind, any decisions you need to make, any questions you’re trying to find an answer for, maybe only for 15 minutes before you go to sleep; write all in the paper.

So you write everything down on a piece of paper and download your brain, which can be really beneficial. In fact, journaling can aid in the organization of your thoughts. When you can see everything in front of you, it can be a huge aid in reducing stress, especially if you’re going through menopause and finding yourself increasingly worried, apprehensive, uneasy, and unconfident.

And this is often due to the hormonal imbalances you know as Estrogen’s levels are changing as progesterone levels are changing and testosterone. These are all huge hormones that have such a big impact on how we think and how we feel journaling talking things through doing some life laundry are there some decisions that you really do have to make right now. This is important for your mental health and your happiness and your well-being.

5) Tips to Sleep Better With Menopause :  Chat with your GP 

When you’ve exhausted all of the points that I’ve chatted about is maybe go and have a chat with your GP. Rind out from the surgery if there’s a menopause specialist on staff and if there isn’t many GP surgeries; are now all coming together in Super surgeries.

5 tips to sleep better with menopause

And there might be a menopause specialist in another surgery that you can go and say there’s so much more research and evidence-based research. Out of there now some GPS will be really on top of it all and others won’t; so it’s finding the GP that has the best and the latest information and then if sleep is completely evading you and it’s really spoiling your quality of life it’s affecting your cravings your weight management; how you think, how you feel your relationship’s if you’ve got energy to show up in the world and do it.

This is all affected by poor sleep so it is worth finding a good solution and getting this sorted out HRT might be an option for you. And there’s so many different HR T’s out there so being empowered and being educated and talking to your health practitioner and finding out what could be working for you.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this menopause series, this is a time for all of us to thrive and go into the second half of our lives feeling ready to hit are our goals use all this amazing life experience that we have and just really living our best life. if you have a question or a comment remember to place a comment in the comment section love to hear from you.


Is it true that menopause insomnia goes away?

Many people suffer from insomnia from time to time, but if not managed properly, menopause-related sleeplessness can linger for weeks or months. If you’re having trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor about your choices.

How can I get a better night’s sleep during menopause?

  1. Stick to a consistent bedtime routine, which includes getting to bed at the same time every night.
  2. Exercise on a regular basis, but not soon before bedtime.
  3. Limit your caffeine intake.
  4. Avoid taking naps during the day if you want to get a good night’s sleep.

What helps you sleep better through the night?

  •  Create a peaceful, soothing nighttime ritual
  • Take a moment to relax your body
  • Create a sleep-friendly environment in your bedroom
  • Keep clocks out of sight in your bedroom
  • Limit caffeine intake after noon and alcohol consumption to one drink several hours before bedtime
  • Quit smoking if you can
  • Exercise on a regular basis
  • Only go to bed when you’re tired

Do you find yourself sleeping a lot during menopause?

Hot flashes and night sweats are caused by hormonal changes that can also influence your mood and energy levels, resulting in weariness. These hormone changes can also make it difficult for you to sleep at night, leaving you exhausted during the day.

Susanna, founded in 2020 by Susanna, is a premier digital platform dedicated to empowering women through insightful and practical content. Born out of Susanna’s personal experiences as a mother and professional, the website addresses the everyday challenges women face by providing guidance on fashion, beauty, parenting, health, and relationships. Hypeladies believes that knowledge is power, aiming to equip women with the information they need to make informed decisions, boost their confidence, and live their best lives. With a commitment to fostering a supportive community, serves as a comprehensive resource for women at all stages of life, inspiring them to achieve their goals and embrace their potential.

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