Benefits of Lighting Oil Lamp As a married woman

What Science Says About Lighting Oil Lamp ? | Benefits of Lighting Oil Lamp As a married woman

Every home lights a lamp every day, and during the Indian traditional festival of Deepavali, we light several lamps. Understand why? That question has a wide range of spiritual, intellectual, and practical solutions.

We know about magnetic and electric energy, radio waves, and microwaves, and even though we cannot see these waves, we believe that they exist because of the technology that will allow us to use them. Modern science has taught us a little about the energy world that is not visible to us.

The Indian traditions mention other such energies that are unknown to western science, thus there may be many more energies that we are yet unaware of. Other than visible light, the Deepam or lamp also emits other waves.

Benefits of Lighting Oil Lamp As a married woman
Benefits of Lighting Oil Lamp As a married woman

What is an Oil Lamp?

An oil lamp is a small lamp which contains a ceramic or metal oil reservoir and a wick that is soaked in oil. From the reservoir, the oil drips along the wick to produce light and heat. Oil lamps are one of the oldest forms of lighting found in the world especially in Indian tradition.

They are also called “oil lamps,” “oil flames,” “oilwick lamps,” and “oil lamps.” The oil lamps of the ancient times were made of clay. Later on, they were made of metal and wicks were soaked in oil. They are considered as one of the best forms of lighting as they do not use a lot of electricity and they are very easy to clean.

Why Do We Light a Lamp at home ?

According to the scriptures, when a lamp is lit, the Rajasik is activated, sending out energy emissions in three dimensions into the immediate area. This transforms the non-materialized or inert energy known as Nirguna Kriya Lahiri into Rajasik, or dynamic waves of positive energy known as Saguna Kriya Lahari, which create a sheath of protection.

One of the major components of creation according to the Punchabootha is Agni (Fire). The local environment is purified by the flame, which is the Agni element in the deeper. You can feel the impact these waves have on our minds if you’ve ever sat in a room with only a lamp in front of you. They impart a sense of calm and well-being.

Skanda purana says deepam flame is better than fire, sun or moonlight. The mellow fire in the lamp sends out diffused light which travels beyond the purview of the eyes and creates a bubble of divinity all over one’s home, which is an invitation to the Gods to visit and a deterrent for negative forces.

It is mentioned in Shri Augastya Rishi’s Brahma Rahasym, that the vibration which emerges from the lamp will work as a three dimensional bus to protect securing the surroundings against negative energies. This is the reason that we also light lamp at auspicious gatherings and even social functions.

Lighting Oil Lamp Enhance Positive Enhancer

This refuels both our physical and mental faculties. Bestower of peace and richness, serving as a magnet to draw in positive energies like peace, health, and wealth, As a result, we argue that the deeper calls forth heavenly light or energy, and that Lakshmi is that energy.

She can be explained as the positive nourishing energy of all creation. Lord wish no is the preserver or sustainer of all creation and Lakshmi Devi is his energy that preserves and sustains. When we light the lamp, we invite her to pervade our homes and lives as a protective shape of divine energy.

Benefits of Lighting Oil Lamp As a married woman

Lighting Oil Lamp Removes Negative Energy

As a result, on auspicious and joyous events like the pavilion, we light lamps to drive out poverty from people’s houses, ward off bad energy, and welcome all that is good.

You might believe that God is already all-powerful and everywhere. Why should I invite her specifically? Let me give you an illustration. Life is impossible without oxygen, which is present everywhere on earth. But don’t we observe that trees and natural environments have high oxygen levels while polluted regions or closed rooms have low or depleted oxygen levels?

Similarly, divinity is everywhere we can enrich an atmosphere with positive vibrations or let it be contaminated with negative ones, thus lighting a deepam  has benefits which cannot be achieved with an electric light or lamp.

In fact, we can personally make out the difference by trying to meditate with the deeper or electric one and see the difference.

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Lighting a Oil Lamp is Flammable Substance

The flammable substance, oil, is the following significant element of the deepam. Why is that important? We are all familiar with insect repellents and scent oil diffusers. The liquid or solid is progressively vaporized by heat and then combines with the environment.

Similar to how when the oil in the wig burns, it spreads across the environment. According to Shastra, there are unique outcomes for using each oil, and the waves that the lamp emits depend on the type of oil utilized.

Specific to puja lamp, Agni Purana clearly states that only Oil of Ghee be used in the lamp. No other combustible circumstances. Ghee is more sathvik and has most spiritual benefits, while oils have more worldly benefits.

Difference between the Benefits of Ghee Versus Oil

1. A ghee lamp is sathvik giving spiritual benefits Oil lamp is Rajasik giving worldly benefits
2. Ghee lamp has a superior quality of protective sheath Oil lamp has varying qualities of sheets depending upon the oil used
3. Ghee activates the Athma Jyoti, the soul energy within the worshipper Oil activates Mana’s Jyoti, the mental energy within the worshipper
4. Ghee significantly purifies the Anahata and the Manipura chakras in the worshiper, leading one upwards in spiritual growth Oil purifies to a certain extent the Muladhara and Svadishtana Chakras healing fears, delivering prosperity and relief from worries of day-to-day existence.
5. Ghee strengthens the satva of Pranamaya Kosha energy body and Manomaya Kosha mental body giving certainty, peace and happiness Oil strengthens the Rajas of Pranama Kosha which gives the worshippers strengthen energy, success and prosperity, but not calm.

Benefits of Different Lighting Lamp As a Married Woman Using different type of Oil

Benefits of Lighting Oil Lamp As a married woman

Benefits of Lighting Oil Lamp Using : Ghee

Ghee when made from a Desi(A2) cow milk or prepared by the vedic process is the most sathvik and the best one for worship. It gives physical. mental, and spiritual harmony. It attracts all positive vibrations like health, wealth, education, fame and goodwill. It also aids both worldly and spiritual goals.

Benefits of Lighting Oil Lamp Using : Pancha Deepam Oil

It helps to nullify all evils, illnesses and negative thoughts, brings knowledge, health, wealth, prosperity, happiness and feel.This is second best after cow’s ghee the Pancha deepam oil is a blend of five pure oils each of these oils have their significance and should be mixed in the perfect ratio.

It is especially used in Devi Barashakthi worship. Many ready deepam oils contain forbidden oils like rice brand or are made in wrong proportions in order to economize.

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Benefits of Lighting Lamp Using : Sesame oil Gingelly Oil

This is beneficial in the worship of all Gods, it helps to eliminate dossiers and repel evil spirits. eliminates long term problems, removes obstacles from one’s life, removes unforeseen dangers, and inauspicious events keep snakes away by the smell. Helps to please lord shani during shani Mahadasha, Antardasha and in seven and a half year period of Saturn.

Benefits of Lighting Oil Lamp Using : Mustard Oil

Mustard oil too removes Doshas related to planet Saturn and wards of diseases.

Benefits of Lighting Oil Lamp Using : Coconut Oil

Coconut oil pleases lord Ganesha and it too bestows education, wisdom, spirituality, health, wealth, prosperity and removes obstacles from one’s lives.

Benefits of Lighting Oil Lamp Using : Castor Oil

Castro oil bestows fame, it gives a fruitful family life good relationship between wife and husband and also a devotional mindset.

Advantages of Lighting an Oil Lamp at Home As a Married Woman

Benefits of Lighting Oil Lamp As a married woman

Many are unaware of the advantages of lighting an oil lamp at home. An oil lamp is a small lamp that contains a ceramic or metal oil reservoir and a wick that is soaked in oil. From the reservoir, the oil drips along the wick to produce light and heat. Oil lamps are one of the oldest forms of lighting found in the world.

They are also called “oil lamps,” “oil flames,” “oilwick lamps,” and “oil lamps.” The oil lamps of ancient times were made of clay. Later on, they were made of metal and wicks were soaked in oil. They are considered one of the best forms of lighting as they don’t use a lot of electricity, and they are very safe, healthy, efficient, simple, versatile and simple to maintain.

Many are unaware of the advantages of lighting an oil lamp at home. An oil lamp is a small lamp that contains a ceramic or metal oil reservoir and a wick that is soaked in oil. From the reservoir, the oil drips along the wick to produce light and heat.

  • Safe

An oil lamp is a very safe form of lighting as it doesn’t use any gas or electricity. So, you don’t have to worry about getting electrocuted or poisoning yourself because it’s a very safe form of lighting. You can also use it in your kitchen to cook with it or use it in your study.

  • Healthy

You can use an oil lamp to produce healthy heat and light. So, you don’t have to stress about switching on the AC for a short time when you need to study. You can use an oil lamp to produce light or heat whenever you need them. You can also make healthy oil lamps by adding herbs and flowers to the oil.

  • Efficient

Oil lamps are very efficient as they don’t consume a lot of electricity. They produce light and heat only when you need them. So, you don’t have to worry about consuming a lot of electricity while you are sleeping or while you are studying.

  • Versatile

Oil lamps can be used in various ways. You can use them as decorative items in your house or you can use them as lamps in your study. They can also be used in hospitals to create a warm and soothing environment. The list goes on!

  • Simple Maintenance

Oil lamps don’t require much maintenance. You just have to change the wick and the oil once in a while. This makes it very simple to maintain them. You can even make your own oil lamp with some basic materials.

  • Environment-Friendly

Oil lamps are very environment-friendly as they don’t consume a lot of electricity. They are also safe and healthy as they don’t produce any harmful gases. They are also inexpensive, so you don’t need to worry about spending a lot of money on them.

  • Versatile

You can use them for a variety of purposes. They can be used as decorative items in your house or as lamps in your study. You can also use them in hospitals to create a warm and soothing environment.

  • Simple Maintenance

They don’t require much maintenance. You just have to change the wick and the oil once in a while. This makes it very simple to maintain them.

  • Environment

Friendly – They are very environment-friendly as they don’t consume a lot of electricity. They are also safe and healthy as they don’t produce any harmful gases. They are inexpensive, so you don’t need to worry about spending a lot of money on them.

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Palm oil, Vegetable oils, Rice bran oil, Synthetic oil, Cottonseed oil etc are not used because they have no good properties to offer. It is strictly forbidden to use ground or sunflower oil to light lamps. Lighting ground at oil creates debts in the homes, leading to constant bickering for money. I hope knowing this information will help you enjoy our traditions more.

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