Things to know about irregular periods
Irregular, delayed, or missed periods are a very common problem among women these days, and they can have an impact on her fertility as well as her health. A regular and proper menstrual cycle indicates good reproductive health and happy hormones in the body.
In this article, we’ll look at the normal and abnormal causes of irregular periods, as well as how to deal with them. I attempted to explain some medical concepts as simply as possible. I hope it is of assistance to everyone.
A menstrual cycle now typically lasts between 22 and 35 days, beginning with the first day of the period and ending on the first day of the next cycle. There is no such thing as a 28-day cycle; for someone, 22 days may be normal; for someone, 35 days may be normal.
Typically, 5 to 7 days of variation is which we can’t accept; however, if the variation is greater than eight days and occurs more than twice or three times per year, this is unacceptable. This means we don’t need to look into why the periods are becoming irregular.
I know this may sound little technical to you but for all of you who are having irregular periods it is worthwhile to understand the entire game around the periods.
The entire game actually is played by four hormones;
- The first one is FSH which is follicle Stimulating hormone
- The second is LH which is the Luteinizing hormone
- The third is the Estrogen
- And the Progesterone
In our brain, we normally have a gland called the hypothalamus, which produces a hormone called GNRH, which stimulates another gland called the pituitary, which also produces a hormone called FSH (follicle stimulating hormone).
This hormone then acts on the ovary to develop the eggs in the ovary, which are referred to in medicine as follicles, and as the follicles develop, they begin producing estrogen. When estrogen levels in the blood reach a critical level, the pituitary gland detects it and releases another hormone called Luteinizing hormone, or LH, which causes ovulation.
I’m sure you’ve all heard about those ovulation testing kits that those kids popularized. Actually, we measure the amount of LH in the body because it is the hormone that causes ovulation. Following ovulation, the ruptured follicle is known as the Corpus Luteum, and it produces the hormone progesterone.
So the estrogen secreted by the developing follicles initially thickens the endometrium, or the inner lining of the uterus, and the progesterone now basically prepares it for pregnancy.
If a pregnancy occurs, the uterine bed is nice and ready to receive the fertilized egg; if a pregnancy does not occur, estrogen and progesterone levels decrease. The endometrium sheds in the form of a monthly period when it dies.
The menstrual cycle typically has two phases
- The first phase is known as the pre-ovulatory phase; it is also known as the proliferative phase or the follicular phase.
- The second phase, the post-ovulatory phase, is also referred to as the neutral phase or the secretary phase.
The first phase of the menstrual cycle is now variable, which means that the eggs may develop very slowly or take a very long time to develop, lengthening the pre-ovulatory phase; whereas the second phase of the menstrual cycle is fixed.
So, because the length of the menstrual cycle is determined by the length of the pre-ovulatory phase (14 days), the length of the menstrual cycle will be determined by the length of the pre-ovulatory phase.
Anything actually which disturbs the ovulation will disturb the cycle, so now you can understand in case the ovulation is happening late or it is irregular or it is not happening this would have a bearing on the length of the menstrual cycle.
The causes of the delayed periods
So all delayed or irregular periods are not always abnormal or a sign of illness; now there are certain physiological reasons for irregular periods, which means there are natural reasons; there are certain phases in a woman’s life where the periods go irregular, for example, in the beginning of the adolescent or teenage years when the girl begins having her periods.
Many times mothers are worried about their daughters and go to consult their family doctor. But we should know this is absolutely normal you don’t have to worry about them and the periods would eventually become normal.
The second thing is obviously pregnancy; when a woman is pregnant obviously she does not get her period.
The third time she is lactating is when she is feeding her baby. When she is lactating, a hormone called prolactin is secreted in her body, which suppresses ovulation. So I’m sure you’ve all heard the senior ladies in the house say something like, “Okay, until the woman is feeding the child, the previous don’t come.”
Then the fourth time is when the periods naturally become irregular is when she is perimenopausal which means when the periods are about to stop; this is the time when the ovulation becomes irregular; this is the time actually the number of eggs in the ovary are now less.
The pathological or the abnormal reasons
Let’s talk about the pathological or abnormal reasons for missing a period; as I previously stated, any process that disrupts ovulation or makes it irregular will cause periods to be irregular; therefore, when a woman reaches this stage, we must consider whether she’s gained weight or is under stress.
Thyroid Problem
A THYROID PROBLEM is another cause of irregular periods, as is a hormone called EXCESS PROLACTIN. Extra prolactin is secreted in some people, most likely due to a malfunction in the pituitary gland in the brain. The most common cause of irregular periods these days is PCOD, or polycystic ovarian disease. This is a condition in which the ovary forms small cysts that produce abnormal hormones, resulting in irregular periods.
Premature Ovarian failure
Another cause of irregular periods could be premature ovarian failure; this is a concerning trend that has recently become more common. Menopause was supposed to occur after the age of 38 in a normal person, but any menopause that occurs before the age of 38 is considered premature menopause.
And these days, we’re seeing girls as young as 34 to 35 years old going through menopause, which could be due to a variety of lifestyle factors. The most common cause is excessive weight gain, obesity, or having a high BMI.
Physical and Mental stress
Another reason of irregular periods could be any kind of physical or mental stress. By physical stress I mean somebody has had some serious illness in the recent past somebody has undergone a surgery; mental stress means you know somebody’s exams are approaching.
These days because of the Covid you know people are indoors they are you know probably not very happy, upbeat, some people are losing job, financial stress, relationship stress any kind of excessive exercise also is not very good. So I tell this to everyone exercise should be moderate you really do not have to go over boards.
So you’ve probably heard of people who participate in high-performance sports, such as marathon runners, who have irregular periods. Certain medications, such as those used to treat endometriosis, progesterone, cancer drugs, and psychiatric medications, can cause disturbed fears if taken.
Tips to follow :
So now let’s talk about what can we do to tackle the problem of irregular periods.
- Investigate yourself
- Proper Diet
- Physical Active
- Avoid Stress
- Deep Sleep
- Yoga
so the first and foremost is get yourself investigated; needless to say diet plays a very very important part. What do you eat? How much do you eat? How do you eat? How do you cook? When do you eat everything is very important.
Eat the food the way nature wanted us to eat, the food should be simple freshly, cooked, seasonal, local, avoid junk food, avoid packaged food, avoid refined food. avoid plastics. Plastic containers actually contain a compound which is known an xenoestrogen which actually mimics the action of estrogen in the body.
Then yes of course be physically active, remember you don’t have to torture yourself you don’t have to really hit the gym very hard or maybe lift weights you have to ingrain the physical activity in your lifestyle.
The exercise that you do should be a happy exercise, which means that you should look forward to doing it; it should also be a sustainable exercise, which means that you should see yourself doing it six months, a year, or two years down the road.
So, it goes without saying, you should manage your stress. I know it’s very easy to say that you should manage your stress, and people may tell you to meditate, listen to music, and go for walks, but I always believe that you should address the root cause of stress, whether it’s the job, the relationship, the financial situation, or whatever it is.
Because unless and until that is done the stress is going to come again and again; very important rather very very important the sleep hygiene so the periods actually happen because the hormones in our body are released according to the circadian rhythm What is circadian rhythm? Its the day and night rhythm.
If you sleep let’s say at two o’clock in the middle of the night and get up at 10 o’clock in the morning obviously the four hypothalamus and pituitary are confused; what kind of hormone should they make now so remember sleep time is important, sleep the adequacy of the sleep is important
The time when you sleep is also important the quality of the sleep is also very very important never compromise on that.
And how can we not mention yoga? It’s the whole package; what is yoga? It works on stress management and increases your physical capacity in the grand scheme of nature. A woman was not supposed to have irregular periods, and if you do, your body is desperately trying to tell you something.
So, take some time to listen to your body; nourish your body well; care for your body well; and move your body well; and, yes, things can be taken care of. So, look after your body and leave a comment in the section below.
What is the cause of the irregular periods?
In some cases, irregular periods can be caused by certain medications, too much exercise, being too low or too high, or not eating enough calories. Imbalance of hormones is also a reason to cause irregular periods. For example, very low or very high levels of thyroid hormones can cause problems
How do you prepare yourself for irregular periods?
- Practice yoga
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Have fun every now and then
- Sprinkle with ginger
- Add cinnamon
- Get your daily dose of vitamins
- Drink apple cider vinegar daily
- Eat pineapple
What foods help in irregular menses’?
- Ginger
- Papaya
- Cinnamon
- Aloe Vera
- Storm
- Pineapple
- Parsley
What exercise is best to get periods fast?
- Squat Jumps: Both squats and squat jump work for your unusual moments. Jumping squares put extra pressure on your stomach which results in getting your time faster.
- Standing Twists: A tight posture rejuvenates the pelvic muscles to relax and helps you get your moments faster and faster.
— Susanna, founded in 2020 by Susanna, is a premier digital platform dedicated to empowering women through insightful and practical content. Born out of Susanna’s personal experiences as a mother and professional, the website addresses the everyday challenges women face by providing guidance on fashion, beauty, parenting, health, and relationships. Hypeladies believes that knowledge is power, aiming to equip women with the information they need to make informed decisions, boost their confidence, and live their best lives. With a commitment to fostering a supportive community, serves as a comprehensive resource for women at all stages of life, inspiring them to achieve their goals and embrace their potential.
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