Bible : 15 Powerful Woman of God Motivational Quotes
I was reading some passages in the Bible about women, and it really got me thinking. I’d want to share these with you, as well as my opinions on who women are, so please read on and then share this message with other women, ladies, girls, and others.
Please pay close attention to the following information to be an powerful woman of God Motivational quotes.
I was perplexed as to why God looked at a man who was alone and said, “It is not good…” after he had created everything and continuously saying, “It is good” from the first day of creation until the creation of man.
These thoughts led me to the conclusion that women are the pinnacle of humanity, the crown that sits atop the head, the frosting on the cake that makes it all beautiful. The lady, a one-of-a-kind creature made independently from the earth’s crushed dust but from the ribcage, a finished work of art, the woman.
When I walk through an alley late at night, I’m watching out for ladies; if I only see myself, I often want to take a different route since women make you feel at ease in a place because their presence creates serenity.
Strong Mother Bible Verse : The Good News: A woman’s commitment to the Lord is what truly matters in life, regardless of her appearance or material wealth.
The world today might want to corrupt the original nature of things by the things we see and know today but you will agree to my aforementioned point as true. When women are there you are at peace.
So woman, you are treasured. Woman, you are beautiful, strong and powerful beyond anything I can say here today. I may not even touch the depths of who you are and what you represent, you are deeper, I may just scratched the surface.
But hear this, when I read about the virtuous woman, the Proverbs 31 woman; I don’t just see her qualities alone, I see her sacrifice. The pain you go through monthly and continually yet you are able to match your male counterparts in almost every sphere of life.
Strong Mother Bible Verse : God creates us in His likeness. When we put in the effort, the Lord rewards us with his grace.
Woman you are special and you are lovable, when I study the women of history, I can do nothing but sit and wonder the kind of strength god has embedded in you. As a woman you are more than just an ordinary being, you are indeed the angel of the home.
Bible history tells me the capacity and influence and strength of who you are as a woman. Without the presence of Jael and Deborah, Israel would have continued to be inflicted by enemies such as Sisera when the heart of men had failed.
Women’s quality
Women are courageous, women are wise and they understand times and season and are a strong point in God’s agenda on earth. When it was time for Jesus to manifest, even when He kept saying my time is not yet come, a woman understood the times and that brought about the first miracle of Jesus.
The wisdom and strength of women has for decades been a deciding factor of what happens to their men and their homes. you can see a vivid example when the Lord wanted to slay Moses but his wife Zipporah a woman through wisdom cut off the foreskin of her son and cast it at his feet with a password for safety that stated “A bloody husband a thou to me”.
Often times I wonder how women are able to come up with the wisdom that has saved generations and are willing to die for those they love. Woman, your place in existence was not an error, it was a perfection of creation.
See how because one woman came in wisdom, understanding the kind of strength God endowed women with went against the rules of men to redeem the lives of the ones she loved.
Strong Mother Bible Verse: God is always with women, and He is there to encourage them and give them strength for the new day, even when things are rough.
Esther put up a strategy that even the king could not refuse. Women you are respected. Your sense of conflict resolution is second to none and we can see an example in the life of Abigail the wife of Nabal. She was a humble woman who was married to a wealthy scandal; She used her money and wisdom to plead for the safety of her husband’s household before an impending enemy.
Because of her wisdom, a whole generation was saved and conflict resolved. Women you are pillars, even till the modern times, the place of the woman in the home cannot be denied. When I see a woman that does not know her place and worth it saddens me.
Kings have been brought on their knees and kingdoms to a standstill for you and here you are, unaware if only you know… if only you are aware of who you are and what you are made of oh woman! No matter your age, class, status and all as long as you are female, this concerns you as well. If only you do not sell yourself short.
You are the pride of king nation
You are the pride of kings and nations, Do you even know? Are you aware? Every morning you wake, don’t start with all the cares and failures of life dear woman.
I know it tends to come to you due to your nature and makeup, it comes to you to weaken and break you; but you are wired to surmount any obstacle you are faced with. Don’t let the devil deceive you a second time.
The devil knew that the one person that was going to fall for the trick of enlightenment and through whom the entire home could be captured is the woman because the woman is the gatekeeper to the home and by extension, the entire city and nation.
Strong Mother Bible Verse : If a woman sets her mind to something, she will accomplish it regardless of the circumstances.
So when the devil and the cares of life come cascading down like an avalanche, just remind yourself of this truth that ‘I am beautiful, I am strong, I am wise, I carry the nature and the beauty of God.
In me is the capacity to birth forth greatness. I am a king maker a molder of generational relevance, I am light a gem what far above rubies, I am a teacher, I am a guide, I am an instructor, I am not worthless.
I am responsible, I am dependable no matter what I go through I still shine; even when the silver has taken over my hair my relevance and importance never goes out; my place as a woman is important and I matter to God and to men.
Things come to a halt without me in the picture. Because I am a woman, a lot of things don’t go well without me in the picture. This is who I am or woman: I am an extension of God’s hand to the man and to the home. You have no idea how much favor you attract, or how much goodwill you attract.
It’s no surprise that the bible says that whomever defines you obtains God’s favor and discovers a wonderful thing. Do not consider yourself to be worthless since you are that good thing that counts in the world. Know what you’re worth, who you are, and how to act in that position. Raise your hands.
Hold your head high even if no one else does; know that there are those who do, and that the heavens honor you and your status as a woman; simply being a woman is already worth celebrating.
Go out there and shine, prosper, and make your creator pleased, remembering that you are a manifestation of God’s love for mankind. God bless you, woman.
Never underestimate the influence of powerful motivational quotes
Strong Mother Bible Verse : Throughout the Bible, God tells us not to be afraid. He is always with us in life, and through His love, we can obtain power.
Powerful Woman of God – motivational quotes
Note : Women are eager to respond to the Lord’s call and assist people in need without expecting anything in return.
Powerful Woman of God
Strong woman Bible Verse : We should not be distracted by little matters, but rather concentrate on the hearts of people. The spirit of God and our loved ones are the true treasured gifts in life.
Powerful Woman of God
Strong woman Bible Verse : Both men and women are reliant on one another. God created them to be equal partners in life, and they must constantly respect one another.
Powerful Woman of God
Strong woman Bible VerseWomen contemplate before speaking, but when they do, it is with love and good acts. They were among the first to spread God’s message.
Powerful Woman of God
Strong woman Bible Verse : When we ask the Lord for something, He listens and responds.
Powerful Woman of God
Strong woman Bible Verse : Those who act in wrath will be punished in heaven, but those who act compassionately will be rewarded.
Powerful Woman of God
Note : Women are more valuable than some of the world’s most valuable objects, so we must treat them with respect and care, and they will repay us with love.
Powerful Woman of God
Strong woman Bible Verse : We are all grateful to God for providing us with this great life and the people in it, and women are among the first to express their gratitude.
— Susanna tips and tricks, founded in 2020 by Susanna, is a premier digital platform dedicated to empowering women through insightful and practical content. Born out of Susanna’s personal experiences as a mother and professional, the website addresses the everyday challenges women face by providing guidance on fashion, beauty, parenting, health, and relationships. Hypeladies believes that knowledge is power, aiming to equip women with the information they need to make informed decisions, boost their confidence, and live their best lives. With a commitment to fostering a supportive community, serves as a comprehensive resource for women at all stages of life, inspiring them to achieve their goals and embrace their potential.
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