Best Natural Cold Remedies for Common Cold
Herbs That Help with The Common Cold : I’m going to show you some of my favorite herbs for fighting the common cold, as well as a couple of drinks that I like to drink when I’m feeling under the cold.
And I awoke this morning with the feeling that I was getting a cold. So I thought to myself, “Well, I’m going to have to hit it hard and prepare one of my favorite concoctions.” ‘Why don’t I just quickly show you the herbs I like to use to fight off that cold?’ So, today, I’m going to talk about Chinese herbs- Natural cold remedies and how they can help you battle the common cold.
I’m aware of a variety of herbal traditions, ranging from Ayurveda to Western medicine to Tibetan medicine. They all contain some extremely important herbs – or substances – that can be used to combat the common cold, but I’m going to concentrate on Chinese medical thought.
For those of you who don’t know the natural cold remedies hidden in this herbs, I have a large number of herbs at my disposal, and these are the ones that I keep in my pantry all the time. So we’re going to talk about them, and I’m going to start by discussing the Chinese medical theory that cures the common cold.
This common cold, according to Chinese Medicine theory, is caused by the invasion of various external pathogens, notably wind, heat, and cold – and I have to mention, the wind pathogen is the most usually attributed pathogen to the development of a cold.
The wind pathogen is especially vulnerable to weak parts of the body, such as the neck and back of your neck and your feet, according to Chinese Medicine theory, which is why keeping those areas warm on a chilly day is very vital.
The best cure, of course, is prevention for this common cold by this natural cold remedies. All of the usual precautions apply, such as staying out of extremes of wind and cold, and wrapping up warmly in those circumstances.
But also, ensuring that you keep a healthy immune system by getting that enough sleep – which is probably why I’m getting the sniffles here; I am going to bed at late and waking up early as a result, I haven’t been getting enough rest and my night sleep is crucial. Ensure that you are attempting to control your stress levels and that your diet is healthy.
So, the greatest cure is prevention; make sure you follow the natural cold remedies by drinking herbs like these, or simply tea in general. Every type of tea has an immune-modulating effect. Plus, there’s the diet. It’s also crucial to watch what you eat. In Chinese medicine, it’s common to be advised to avoid excessive consumption of foods that promote dampness – or congestion – in the body.
Dairy products and sugar are specifically mentioned in Chinese Medicine. Understand, that I’m not suggesting any food to avoid; everyone is unique, and different diets have varied effects on different people. That is something we are all aware of. However, if you’re starting to feel a little stuffy, cutting back on dairy and sweets is usually a good idea.
There are two sorts of colds in Chinese medicine: “wind-cold” and “wind-heat.” I know it sounds strange, but examine the following two types of chilly syndromes: “wind-cold” and “wind-heat.” You may get the sniffles and feel a little chilly as a result of your illness. Your limbs are cold and you’re shivering. You’re a little shivery and achy as well. All of it boils down to a dread of becoming chilly. You haven’t realized how exposed you are to the cold until now.
If you start to get a runny nose, mucus, and feel congested, but it’s all a very easy-flowing, running, dripping nose, and the mucus or phlegm is very clear, if it’s that kind of consistency where it’s that kind of drippy nose, and you’ve got sniffles, and you may be sneezing, and maybe you’re getting some sort of stiffness in your neck, but And if you don’t treat it early enough, it can turn into the “wind-heat” cold.
Now, the wind-heat” cold is little different; you’re starting to sweat, you’re getting more body aches. You might start to develop fever. You’re going to feel this kind of hot/cold – chills to hot, or hot to chills, you’re going to feel stronger headaches.
You’re going to develop, maybe, a more persistent cough, and it might be a very dry cough, and dry mouth. But it also could be very deep and congested. The phlegm will be more in the sort of darker greens and yellow shades of mucus, and that really is the clearest sign.
“What is the color of your mucus?” medical specialists will always ask, even if it looks a little doomy. Because when it’s clear, it’s more likely to be “wind-cold,” but when greens and yellows appear, it’s more likely to be “wind-heat.”
Knowing where you fall on that spectrum is critical because it determines which herbs you should use in your cup. Because if you have “wind-cold,” you should take herbs that are generally warming in nature, and if you have “wind-heat,” you should take herbs that are cooling in nature. As a result, it makes a difference.
I know because I’m starting to get the shivers and am feeling a little chilly. My hands, feet, and nose are all cold, and I’m starting to have a runny nose. I know I have a “wind cold,” therefore I’m going to try to expel that cold, let out that wind, and allow my immune system to heal so it can fight off this virus by drinking some warming herbs today.
Here are some list of few herbs, and I’ve separated them into three categories: “warming herbs,” “neutral herbs,” and “cooling herbs,” to make it really obvious. I should also point out that teas have similar effects. Darker teas, such as black teas, roasted, darker Oolong teas, dark Puerh teas, and Hei Cha teas in general, will have a warming impact in general.
White teas, green teas, and yellow teas, on the other hand, are generally going to have a little bit more of a cooling impact than some of the herbs; whereas white teas, green teas, and yellow teas are generally going to have a little bit more of a cooling effect.
Cinnamon – Warming Herbs
The first ingredient is cinnamon, also known as “Rou Gui” in Chinese herbal medicine; however, the second ingredient is cassia bark, also known as “Gui Zhi.” This plant has a strong warming effect and is great for getting rid of colds.
It has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, as well as the ability to tone your Yang energy, which is the “hot” energy that runs through your body. This is something that all of these herbs have in common.
Orange peel – Warming Herbs
The warming zone continues with “Chen Pi,” also known as “orange peel.” Chen Pi is a wonderful warming herb that also aids in the drying of moisture. I already stated that having a lot of dampness in your body makes you more susceptible to diseases.
As a result of this herb’s ability to dry dampness, you’ll be able to reduce the amount of mucus produced, resulting in a dripping nose. In studies, orange peel has been discovered to be antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. It’s an expectorant, meaning it helps with coughing and phlegm ejection, as well as being anti-fungal.
Black Peppercorns – Warming Herbs – Natural Cold Remedies
“Black Gold” is the following song on the playlist. These are, of course, black peppercorns and also known as “Hei Hu Jiao” its Chinese name. It’s a great decongestant that’s also rather hot and comforting. It will warm your body, tone you up, help you get rid of your cold, and, as I previously stated, it is a great decongestant.
Ginger – Warming Herbs
Finally, we have ginger in the category of warming herbs, which is a pleasant and effective approach to warm up your body and get rid of that cold. Ginger’s anti-oxidant, anti-nausea, and anti-inflammatory properties have all been studied extensively.
Now we’re moving on to the neutral herbs. So these herbs can be used in both instances if you’re suffering from “wind-cold” or “wind-heat”.
Licorice Root – Neutral Herbs – Natural Cold Remedies
This is licorice root, commonly known in Chinese medicine as “Gan Cao.” This is used in Chinese medicine to remove toxins, calm coughs, and, as previously said, it may be used in both “wind-cold” and “wind-heat” circumstances depending on what you combine it with. Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and cough-relieving effects of licorice root have been discovered in studies.
Balloon Flower Root – Neutral Herbs – Natural Cold Remedies
The following one will most likely be a little more out of the ordinary for you. If you have a cough, this is an excellent herb to utilize. It aids in the alleviation of coughs and the evacuation of phlegm by dilating the bronchial tubes.
In scholarly studies, it’s also been shown to be an effective anti-inflammatory. So there you have it, a selection of neutrals. You can combine them with your warming or cooling herbs, as I previously suggested.
Boat Sterculia Seed – Neutral Herbs – Natural Cold Remedies
Following that, we have a herb that is quite intriguing. “Boat Sterculia Seed,” or “Pang Da Hai,” is what it’s called. It’s a fascinating seed that appears to be dormant until you brew it in hot water, at which point it swells and opens up. Observing the growth of this seed is intriguing. It’s a light and refreshing herb. It’s a comfortable temperature. It’s soothing. It will help to soothe sore throats.
This herb is excellent for sore throats, especially those with severe sore throats and coughs that require lubrication since your throat is so raw and dry. As a result, if you’re hot, you’re likely to become really thirsty.
Your throat is sore and dry, and your mouth is extremely dry. This is excellent for generating some moisture in the throat. It has been shown to be anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic (helps to decrease a fever), and anti-microbial in clinical trials.
Honeysuckle Flower – Neutral Herbs – Natural Cold Remedies
Honeysuckle is a cooling tisane that is great for sore throats and also helps with chesty coughs, prickly heat, and fever. It does have that fantastic cooling property if you’re having those kinds of symptoms.
Honeysuckle’s anti-microbial – specifically anti-viral – properties have been shown to be beneficial in treating diseases like “Bird Flu” and “Swine Flu,” and it’s also being studied as a potential Ebola virus treatment.
Chrysanthemum Flower – Neutral Herbs – Natural Cold Remedies
This is Ju Hua – also known as Chrysanthemum; there are various different types of chrysanthemum: from “white chrysanthemum” to “yellow chrysanthemum” – so they all have slightly different properties. But in general, chrysanthemum is a very cooling herb. It helps to relieve fever.
It helps to relieve headaches that are associated with cold. It’s also really good if you’re starting to get, sort of, irritated eyes, and puffy eyes and red in the eyes, because of the cold that you have.
So it’s really, again, an excellent way to calm and soothe. It’s also a delicious tisane, which is really, really lovely and also lovely taste to it – which is sort of lemony and fresh, but also floral. It has sort of camomile-style notes to it, in terms of its flavor.
This is a terrific little tisane to try if you’re feeling a bit hot and bothered in general, or if you know someone who’s a little “hot-tempered” and you just want to calm them down. Add a chrysanthemum sprig to the lace. It’ll only help them relax a little. As a result, it’s used to chill and soothe the heat that’s inside you when you have a cold. Antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects are all found in chrysanthemum.
Creeping Lily Turf Root – Cooling Herbs – Natural Cold Remedies
Finally, among our cooling herbs is “Creeping Lily Turf Root,” also known as “Mai Men Dong,” which is mildly cooling and beneficial for coughs, especially dry coughs. It has been shown to help with the treatment of fevers.
Finally, we have “Creeping Lily Turf Root,” also known as “Mai Men Dong,” a somewhat cold plant that is helpful for coughs, especially dry coughs. It has been shown to help with the treatment of fevers.
You now have your hot herbs, neutral herbs, and cooling herbs, and you must select the appropriate combination based on your symptoms. So I’ll show you two of my favorite concoctions: one for a “wind cold” and another for a “wind-heat.”
First and foremost, this warming beverage is required since I am beginning to succumb to the “wind-cold” phenomenon. So I placed a cinnamon stick about this size in there, along with a huge pinch of black peppercorns, and I simply pounded it up in a pestle and mortar. – natural cold remedies
You can now make this as easy or as complex as you choose. It’s possible to grind it in a grinder. You could simply smash them and toss them into the sea. It’s absolutely up to you, but obviously we’d like to get the most power out of it.
Black pepper with cinnamon have a wonderful scent. What’s the worst that might happen? With a tinge of sweetness from the cinnamon, it’s delicious, spicy, and aromatic.
Right now, I’m going to pour in a big batch of Chen Pi. If you have an older Chen Pi, it’s even better. As a result, this is merely aged orange or tangerine peel. It will have a lovely odor as a result of this. This is, without a doubt, the most excellent of all the cocktails. All the more reason to stay away from catching a cold in the first place.
A sprinkle of licorice and a couple of slices of ginger are also included for sweetness. You can give it your all. You can now transfer this to a mug or strainer and steep it for about five minutes or so over hot water before drinking. You can also do what I’m going to do and put it in half a liter of water, bring it to a boil, and then simmer it for five or seven minutes to extract everything.
You can now add some tea as an added bonus. While it’s common knowledge that you shouldn’t drink caffeinated drinks when you’re sick, doing so in moderate doses and with minimal caffeine is actually safe. In actuality, research have shown that a small amount of coffee can enhance many people’s moods. It simply restores their sense of functionality. – natural cold remedies
So I’m going to add a couple pinches of “Ruby GABA” to it, It’s amazing thing dark-roasted Oolong that’ll offer me a little more heat, and because it’s made from the Ruby variety, it’ll have a pleasant menthol and eucalyptus flavor.
So I’ll put this in a pan with half a liter of water, let it simmer for a while, and then we’ll taste it… As a result, this is what we came up with. It doesn’t appear to be a significant problem.
It has a great aroma, which reminds me of cooking it; so I let it allow to boil for about seven to eight minutes to get a good, rich extraction; it smells like cinnamon. You’re have black pepper with you and also ginger in possession.
There’s a smidgeon of Chen Pi tangerine peel in there, which is peppery and comforting. I’m picking up on the “Ruby GABA” which has a hint of menthol, a smell of eucalyptus and a of warmth, that roasted Oolong warmth. This is an incredible tea with a lovely spiciness.
And here’s the thing: you’ll need that warmth and spice if you’re feeling under common cold. I recommend avoiding spicy foods in favor of cooling, soothing drinks if you have “wind heat,” which means you’re really dry, everything is sore, you’re feverish, and you’re coughing up yellow and foul-tasting stuff. It is self-evident. It’s almost as though it’s recharging your batteries.
It feels like it’s starting a fire inside of you, causing the blood to flow. Because it is expelling all of those toxins and giving you that cold, shivering sensation, it will lead you to break out in a little sweat. This is exactly what I’m looking for, and as you can see, it’s easy to prepare with store-bought items.
We have cinnamon on hand and got black pepper. We’ve got a ginger both licorice root and dried orange peel should be readily available. As a result, you may always keep this in your storage cupboard.
More tea, such as roasted GABA Oolong, roasted Oolong in general, black tea, or ripe Puerh tea, can be added. Many people I know like ripe Puerh teas. This will also add to the flavor. It’s something I can’t get enough of because its amazing. – natural cold remedies
These herbs are a little more difficult to come by, these are the herbs you’ll want if you’ve caught a cold quickly and are in the “wind-heat” zone, and you need something calming and relaxing – as well as a way to get rid of sore throat; but they’re not easy to come by unless you live near a Chinese herbal clinic., founded in 2020 by Susanna, is a premier digital platform dedicated to empowering women through insightful and practical content. Born out of Susanna’s personal experiences as a mother and professional, the website addresses the everyday challenges women face by providing guidance on fashion, beauty, parenting, health, and relationships. Hypeladies believes that knowledge is power, aiming to equip women with the information they need to make informed decisions, boost their confidence, and live their best lives. With a commitment to fostering a supportive community, serves as a comprehensive resource for women at all stages of life, inspiring them to achieve their goals and embrace their potential.
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